Strategic Plan 2023 -2027

We have built a strategic plan that will be implemented between 2023 and 2027 and that works towards the achievement of different Sustainable Development Goals established by the UN. Our plan consists of 6 fundamental pillars established to achieve:

Group 24-2

Our plan consists of 6 fundamental pillars established to achieve:

1. El espíritu Montessori

1. The Montessori spirit

Frame 39961 (2)

2. Research, innovation, and entrepreneurship

Frame 39961 (1)-1

3. Educational excellence

Frame 39961-1

4. Social impact


5. Montessori well-being

Frame 39961-3

6. Sustainability and habitat

1. Montessori Spirit:

"Sense of Being that is sustained over time."

Strategic Objective:

To entrench the Montessori spirit in the educational community. 

Associated SDG:

Quality education (4)

Montessori values represented:

Responsibility, Autonomy, Respect and Common good.

What are we looking for?

To know and improve the appropriation of the values and principles of our Colegio Montessori in all our stakeholders.

How will we do it?

  1. Montessori Spirit Program
  2. Student empowerment program
  3. Ethics and corporate transparency program

Indicator of achievement:

Responsibility, Autonomy, Respect and Common Good.

2. Research, innovation, and entrepreneurship:

"Innovative environment for knowledge building"

Strategic objective:

Develop an innovative learning environment, open to research and entrepreneurship.

Associated SDG:

Decent work and economic growth (8)

Montessori values represented:


What are we looking for?

Determine the level of institutional production in the fields of innovation, research, and entrepreneurship.

How will we do it?

  1. Training and Development Plan in leadership competencies and transformative innovation.
  2. Project: Implementation of the Montessori research unit.
  3. Entrepreneurship program connected to curricular development.

Indicator of achievement:

Transformational innovation index

3. Educational Excellence:

"Excellence for internalization, learning and the common good."

Strategic Objective:

Ensure educational quality in teaching-learning and institutional management processes.

Associated SDG:

Quality education (4)

Montessori values represented:


What are we looking for?

Improve educational quality in the teaching-learning and institutional management processes.

How will we do it?

  1. Teacher development plan in active methodologies.
  2. Program of orientation towards pluricultural and internationalism.
  3. SGI, NEASC-ACE 2.0, ISO 21001, AEI, ASE, SG SST articulation project.

Indicator of achievement:

Montessori educational quality index

4. Social Impact

"Community with social impact"

Strategic Objective:

 Facilitate the development of capacities that generate actions for the transformation of different states and living conditions.

Associated SDG:

Sustainable cities and communities. (11)

Montessori values represented:

Common Good

What are we looking for?

To expand institutional capacity for the development of social impact actions.

How will we do it?

  1. Montessori Friends Network
  2. Social leadership program
  3. Social impact laboratory

Indicator of achievement:

Social impact actions

5. Montessori Well-being:

"A safe space for the development of life projects"

Strategic Objective:

Ensure the physical, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being of the community of students and employees.

Associated SDG:

Good health and well being. (3)

Montessori values represented:

Respect and Autonomy

What are we looking for?

Improve the psychosocial risk actors of students and employees.

How will we do it?

  1. Emotional and learning support program for students.
  2. Workplace wellness program.
  3. Program for a culture of care for oneself and others.

Indicator of achievement:

Psychosocial risk index

6. Sustainability and habitat:

"A sustainable institution in a habitat conducive to living transformative experiences"

Strategic Objective:

Ensure financial and environmental sustainability for the development of a state-of-the-art habitat.

Associated SDG:

Decent work and economic growth (8)

Climate action (13)

Montessori values represented:

Responsibility and Common Good

What are we looking for?

Decrease carbon footprint per person.

Improve financial profitability.

How will we do it?

  1. Institutional marketing plan to ensure sustainability and respond to changes in the context.
  2. Project to generate new business units for the school.
  3. Project to care for and optimize environmental resources.
  4. Project to optimize processes, capacities, and resources.

Indicator of achievement:

Profitability and environmental responsibility index.


Our school has been providing quality education for more than 47 years and living day by day the values that characterize us as a Montessori community. If you want your child to be part of our school, find here the process to start.
