The Colegio Montessori

Montessori is a school where respect for the child and his or her individuality results in the formation of autonomous, free people with great capacity to act and choose.

We seek to form in freedom, that we teach our students to choose what they want, in a responsible way, with awareness of themselves, others and their environment. To train in freedom means to assume consequences "you choose, but you assume the consequences of your decisions".

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Through a participatory and practical trilingual education (Spanish, English, and French) that encourages research, we promote the integral development of our students, preparing them to face the challenges of a globalized culture where we are all citizens of the world.


With more than 47 years of experience, the Colegio Montessori is a Catholic educational institution open to other thoughts that forms its students to build their own life project, to feel respect for individuality and freedom, and to have self-determination.



We form respectful, empathetic, autonomous, responsible, and competent people. Global citizens with the capacity to lead processes of change based on the common good.



We are an innovative and sustainable educational community, in permanent search for excellence in the integral formation of conscious, inclusive, and global human beings, who live Montessori values and generate a positive impact on society.


Every pedagogical act must be mediated by affection: "touching the child's heart in order to reach the child's reason".

Respect is the fundamental value of the Colegio Montessori that must be reflected in all interactions in its community.

The formation for the exercise of freedom and democracy is one of the fundamental purposes of education in our school.

Each student possesses potential that can be developed through the educational process.

Every student is a unique being and as such must be cared for and understood by the teacher.

Responsibility and discipline are fundamental to form autonomous individuals with the ability to overcome.

The training and involvement of parents makes possible the coherence and impact of the educational process.

We assume as a fundamental duty to form socially responsible individuals, actors in the development and transformation of the country.

We work for the construction of a more just society with the possibility of living in peace and promoting the development of all its citizens.

The success of institutional management depends on the competencies of the human team and the sense of belonging they generate towards it.

The improvement of the institution is based on an open and reflective attitude towards change.

The autonomy and institutionalism of the College are fundamental to ensure quality management.

Value offer

Distinctive capacities

  • Implement effective and innovative pedagogical and didactic strategies for teaching the values of the Montessori culture that leave their mark on society.
  • Harmonize the educational project articulating the BEING with Montessori values, human sense, and global vision to provide a comprehensive education.
  • To build social fabric by promoting the transformation and growth of diverse populations of interest to the institution.
  • Management oriented to continuous improvement based on national and international quality standards.

Value offer

  • Cohesion of the educational community around the construction of life projects.
  • Internationalization in our academic offerings, in harmony with the formation of leaders with skills to face global challenges.
  • Suitability and stability of the teaching staff that facilitates the assurance of educational excellence.


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Our Montessori Community is oriented in education with a basis for decision making. It is done through the daily application of value activities and specific projects, our approach is an individual whose foundations are based on respect, being over having; freedom with responsibility; identity and solidarity.

Institutional Mottos


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Being over having

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Today I do it well; tomorrow, even better

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Freedom with responsibility

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Educating before reprimanding

Anthem and Prayer

Colegio Montessori Anthem


Colegio Montessori bastion of freedom, work, love, and life love for the truth.

Work, love, and life love for the truth. To be here we come, to have no longer matters, for the sake of the future life begins now.

School always loved to gestate the heart, seed of hope fertile in love.

Colegio Montessori bastion of freedom, work, love, and life love for the truth.

Work, love, and life love for the truth.

Respect for life the world is our home, God's sister nature you are an altar.

Other students will come, time will pass, but always Montessori my love you will find.

Mother of sweetness

Most sweet protector:

Into your loving hands we place our lives, enlighten our intelligence so that it may always be open to and embrace the truth.

Guide our will, and make it always seek the good.

Give us always your company, your love and protection.

In moments of doubt give us faith in moments of darkness give us light,

in moments of fear give us strength and radiate upon us the sweetness of your love.

la dulzura de tu amor. 


The Colegio Montessori is a leading, dynamic, and recognized institution in the educational sector, aspects that have led it to deserve important recognitions. The greatest institutional recognition is the high level of satisfaction of our families and students and the way this has an impact on many new families enrolling to be part of our community, aspiring to integrate their children to the school from Preschool.

On a social level, in recognition of our educational and formative work, we have received the following distinctions, among others:

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Reconocimiento a la labor educativa otorgado por la Gobernación de Antioquia en 1996.

Reconocimiento otorgado por el INDER en el año 2001 por nuestro destacado trabajo y desarrollo físico-deportivo.

Condecoración por la contribución en el mejoramiento continúo de nuestra sociedad otorgado en 2002 por la Asociación de Educación Privada ADECOPRIA.

Condecoración por la contribución en el mejoramiento continúo de nuestra sociedad otorgado en 2002 por la Asociación de Educación Privada ADECOPRIA.

Condecoración por la contribución en el mejoramiento continúo de nuestra sociedad otorgado en 2002 por la Asociación de Educación Privada ADECOPRIA.

Condecoración por la contribución en el mejoramiento continúo de nuestra sociedad otorgado en 2002 por la Asociación de Educación Privada ADECOPRIA.