Solidarity is part of our Montessori Spirit!


With the horn of his new bike, Juan David announced to his neighbors that he now has a new house!

The family of Carmen, Valentina, and Juan David will now enjoy their new home, equipped with everything necessary for a peaceful and happy life.

Our Seniors 2024, together with Fundación Compasión, donated a home to this beautiful family in San Vicente, Antioquia on June 6th.

We congratulate our Seniors and reiterate how proud we feel in witnessing the materialization of Montessori values in them. Their kindness, dedication, solidarity, and commitment make it possible for acts like these to reach those who need us the most.

Of course, we extend our immense gratitude to the parents who have supported this entire process and to Fundación Compasión for being invaluable partners in realizing this dream.

Thank you, Montessori Seniors 2024!


Enjoy here some of the most remarkable moments.


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Montessori es un Colegio donde el respeto por el niño y su individualidad ofrece como resultado la formación de personas autónomas, libres y con grandes capacidades para actuar y elegir.
