Montessori training plan
“To touch the child is to touch the most delicate and vital point, where everything can be decided and renewed, where everything is full of life, where the secrets of the soul are enclosed, where the education of the man of tomorrow is elaborated.”
-Maria Montessori (1870-1952)

The Colegio Montessori's Educational Plan aims to provide students with a comprehensive training in the social, ethical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions, to form a confident, upright individual, who recognizes the value of others, responsible and concerned about their personal improvement and that of those around them. To guide students towards their SELF-DEVELOPMENT, understanding that development is personal, and no one can do it for someone else, “Help me to do it for myself”, as Maria Montessori pointed out. Our Formative Plan is consolidated in an education based on Love, touching, and caring for the hearts of our students so that they become sensitive and aware of the commitment they have with themselves and their environment.
The Educational Plan articulates all the programs and formative actions that are intentionally and directly carried out for the human formation of our students, the fundamental reason for the school, as expressed in its mission …To form autonomous, responsible, creative and ethical people, oriented to the growth of themselves and their environment, with the capacity to establish harmonious relationships and to lead processes of change based on the common good. For this reason, the formative aspect becomes a fundamental and priority strategic area of the school and is based on four fundamental values: AUTONOMY, RESPONSIBILITY, RESPECT AND ORIENTATION TO THE COMMON GOOD. The Plan is structured in five fundamental axes that point to the construction of the Montessori student profile and the consolidation of formative competencies, which are also reinforced from daily life, academic life, and Montessori culture in general. The axes are the following:
Learn to:
Acquire general culture and specific knowledge that stimulates curiosity to continue learning. The programs that work to develop this aspect are: Active Methodological Strategy and the use of technology as a mediator of learning and information.
A summary of the training programs:

To favor the development of an appropriate self-esteem. In this program a great participation of parents is made possible.
Its purpose is to educate in affectivity with a sense of respect and responsibility for oneself and others.
Entrepreneurship Program
A series of competencies are addressed so that students learn to act with initiative and decisiveness in different life situations and work on leadership.
Professional Orientation
Students are permanently accompanied in making decisions regarding their professional choices.
Healthy Living Habits
Its objective is health promotion and risk factor prevention, self-care, decision making and life skills.
Culture Program
Consolidates the institution's culture for the formation of responsible citizens committed to the improvement of their community and environment. It is structured in four axes:
- Relationship with oneself: formation and maintenance of habits.
- Relationship with others: positive interpersonal relationships to generate appropriate environments of coexistence and good treatment.
- Relationship with the environment: citizenship education, rules of behavior in public spaces and road safety education.
- Relationship with culture: My school (Montessori Spirit).
Ethics and Values
This subject is oriented by the group directors, who are the people that accompany the students during the school year and become tutors and guides in their personal growth process. In this subject the following programs are developed: YOMI VIDA. Life Project: in each of the stages of development, students are encouraged to deepen their self-knowledge, discover their strengths and weaknesses, review their values, beliefs, and attitudes, and build their own mission and vision. Conflict management and negotiation skills: we seek to develop and strengthen students' basic competencies for adequate decision making and problem solving in life situations.
Evaluation by formative competencies and elaboration of improvement plans
It is a strategy that is implemented to be worked with all the students of the institution and allow them to continuously and systematically review how their personal growth process is going. The students, supported by an instrument "Matrix of Formative Competencies", carry out self-evaluation processes in their competencies of Autonomy, Responsibility, Respect and Orientation to the Common Good, and receive feedback from significant adults to guide them in this search for their personal growth. In addition, each year they set an improvement plan where they are accompanied by tutors who allow them to find strategies to become better human beings every day.
Our school has been providing quality education for more than 47 years and living day by day the values that characterize us as a Montessori community. If you want your child to be part of our school, find here the process to start.