Colegio Montessori is one of the top private schools in Medellin and Colombia

Montessori Methodology

Through its pedagogical model, our Colegio Montessori allows teaching, learning and evaluation with the formation of the being for life. Welcome to the Montessori methodology experience.


Pedagogical model


Curricular conception


Training plan


Our school has been providing quality education for more than 47 years and living day by day the values that characterize us as a Montessori community. If you want your child to be part of our school, find here the process to start.


This is what our community says

Alejandro Stankov

"Through my daughters, I continue to witness the effectiveness of the pedagogical model, the good management of its finances, the respect for corporate governance and committed parents who have taken the school very far.

- Alejandro Stankov Jaramillo
Graduate of our first graduating class with children studying in our school.

Miguel José Álvarez Velásquez

Montessori gives us many tools to embark on new paths in a very competitive world that requires confident, committed and sensitive people.

- Miguel José Álvarez Velásquez

Sandra Úsuga González

At School, we are aligned with a higher purpose; there is great cohesion in the objective of "Transforming lives and building futures", a demanding and very challenging aspiration. It is a very human institution that cares about the individual.

- Sandra Úsuga González
Human Resources Director

Our alliances and certifications

Cambridge Qualifications
Reference School - Vertical

Conoce nuestras sedes



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Additional services

The Montessori community goes beyond the classroom. Get to know the products and services of our alumni or parents and become a #FanMontessori.

You can also find different free activities that will enhance our students' experience outside the school.

Products and services directory

Products and services directory

Leisure activities

Leisure activities

Learning Support Center

Learning Support Center